Black belt kata
The following kata are learned from Shodan (1st Dan) black belt upwards and must be performed in addition to all previous kata to attain Sandan (3rd Dan) black belt, thereby completing the full 27 kata syllabus.
Meikyo / Rohai
"Bright Mirror"
The alternative 'older' name for this kata is "Rohai" and it may sometimes be referred to by this name. This is a fairly short kata with a number of repeated sequences, ending with an energetic combination of moves at the end. The jump near the end of the kata has both feet landing at the same time. Other schools may teach this with the front foot landing first.
Will be tested in 3rd Dan grading.
"Cloud hands"
This is the most advanced kata in the syllabus with complex combinations, ground techniques and the infamous 360 degree senpu tobi geri (aka the "tornado kick"). The right foot mikazuki geri (crescent kick) should slap into the left palm whilst in the air, though in practice this is almost superfluous and the move is often sacrificed to quickly bring the leg in tight to help complete the turn in the air. This jump will require full commitment and practice to execute correctly.
Will be tested in the 3rd Dan grading.
"King and Crown"
This is one of the shortest kata in the syllabus. Take note of the hand positions for the hiza-kuzushi (knee strike). There is no transition to zenkutsu-dachi for the double punches to the sides, though you may often see some schools transitioning between fudo-dachi and zenkutsu-dachi.
Will be tested in 3rd Dan grading.